North Texas State Soccer Association

Crowley Independent Soccer Association

Crowley Independent Soccer Association's mission is to provide recreational soccer to anyone age 4 to 18 living in the Crowley Independent School District. Recreational soccer is a fun, learning experience for kids. As adults associated with the association, you will be expected to show respect for all players, coaches, other teams, and the referees.

We are an all volunteer nonprofit organization with no paid positions. We are not sponsored by the cities of Crowley or Fort Worth. Our board meetings are held monthly and will be posted on the website each month. The board meetings are open to anyone to attend.

Decisions made by the board are made based on the whole of the membership, not for an individual or team. We are not supported by either the cities of Crowley or Fort Worth, which is why the word independent is in our name.

Crowley Independent Soccer Association owns the land that the U6, U8, and U10 fields are on. We lease and must maintain (mow, fertilize, pay for watering, etc) the big fields in the All Sport Complex from the city of Crowley. We are not a part of Crowley Youth Association.

Please help us continue to improve our organization for the kids. Provide feedback about your experiences and ways to improve our association.

Open To The Public

Monthy Board Meetings

The Crowley Independent Soccer Association Board of Directors meet on the first Monday of every month at 6:30 PM. The public is welcome to attend these meetings. The CISA Board is currently meeting at the Crowley Soccer Fields, 1923 Longhorn Trail, Crowley, TX 76036.

Policies and Code of Conduct

Field Rules

Smoking is Prohibited on CISA Fields
Smoking is only allowed 15 feet from the entrance gates

The home team is responsible for supplying an adequate game ball for use during the game. If the home team does not have an adequate game ball, a ball from the visiting team can be used.

No jewelry is allowed to be worn by the players during the game except for medical or religious purposes - in this case they must be taped to the body. Earrings of all types, necklaces, and bracelets (including Live Well type bands) cannot be worn during games.

Band-Aids/tape cannot be placed over newly pierced ears during games. All players must wear age appropriate shin guards worn under the socks. In case of a jersey conflict (color), the home team will wear alternate color jerseys with numbers - colored pinnies can be worn over the numbered game jersey.

All pets are strictly prohibited at our complexes. We have experienced children injured by "small, well behaved pets on a leash." We have also experienced animals injured by running children and soccer balls. We will enforce this prohibition. Games will not be started or continued until animals are removed from the complex.

Parent Code of Conduct

  1. Encourage good sporting-like behavior.
  2. Act as a positive role model by showing positive support for all players, coaches and game officials.
  3. Refrain from criticizing game officials or opponents, without them my child could not participate.
  4. Accept the results of each game; encourage my child to be gracious in victory, and to turn defeat into victory by working towards improvement.
  5. Never place the value of winning over the safety and welfare of the players.
  6. Teach my child to play within the spirit and rules of the game.
  7. Emphasize that the game is played for fun and the benefit of youth.
  8. Remember that soccer is a team sport and will encourage my child to work with his or her teammates.
  9. Avoid giving special rewards to my child for scoring, but rather promote the positive, fun aspects of team participation in the game.
  10. Under no circumstances, authorize the use of performance enhancing substances.
Association Leadership

Board of Directors

Susie Tijerina


Leticia Gonzales

Vice President / A&D

JoAnna Diaz


Amanda Lackey


Bruce Farneti


Zaire Maldonado

Major Boys Commissioner

Zaira Maldonado

Major Girls Commissioner

Tyler Raemhild

U7/U8 - Minor Boys Commissioner

Tyler Raemhild

U7/U8 - Minor Girls Commissioner

Amanda Raemhild

Kickstart / U5&U6 Coed Commissioner

Jonathan Guadian

Referee Assignor

Tyler Mercer

Property Director / Field Manager

Open Position

Fundraiser Director

Yassell Gonzalez

Equipment Director